Chromium Carbide Overlay Flux Cored Welding Wire

How It Works:
1.Prepare the surface: Remove any dirt, rust, or contaminants from the surface that needs to be welded.
2.Set up the equipment: Ensure that your welding machine is properly set up for submerged arc welding.
3.Insert the welding wire: Insert the submerged arc flux cored welding wire into the welding torch.
4.Adjust the parameters: Set the appropriate voltage, current, and wire feed speed according to your welding requirements.
5.Start welding: Begin welding by creating an arc and moving the welding torch along the joint, melting the wire and creating a strong and durable weld.


Welding Wire

Product Description

Overlay Flux Cored Welding Wire with high chromium, high boron alloy tubular open arc wire. Suitable for abrasive wear under low stress and low impact conditions.Flux Cored Welding Wire offers a wide range of flux cored and metal cored welding wires for rebuilding, hard facing, cladding, Joining

Overlay Flux Cored Welding Wire

Chromium Carbide Welding Wire

Welding Wire

Overlay Flux Cored Welding Wire

Chromium Carbide Welding Wire

Welding Wire

Company profile

As a realiable manufacturer of  CCO welding wire we take pride in delivering top-quality products that excel in durability and performance. With years of expertise, our company is dedicated to providing innovative solutions that cater to the diverse needs of industries worldwide.

Overlay Flux Cored Welding Wire

Chromium Carbide Welding Wire

Welding Wire

Overlay Flux Cored Welding Wire

R & D    ABILITY     

Our R&D endeavors prioritize sustainability, aiming to develop wear plate solutions that minimize material waste and energy consumption, contributing to a greener and more eco-conscious industrial landscape.

Our R&D team actively collaborates with industry associations and regulatory bodies to stay informed of the latest standards and regulations, ensuring that our wear plate solutions comply with industry-specific requirements.

Chromium Carbide Welding Wire

Welding Wire

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Overlay Flux Cored Welding Wire

Properties and Uses: High chromium, high boron alloy tubular open arc wire.Suitable for low stress,low impact conditions of abrasive wear conditions.

Welding parameters: Welding current:200-400 Welding voltage:26-31

Precautions: Clear workpiece surfacing at the oil, rust, etc.; generally used for surfacing after machining workpieces not.

Delivery specifications: Ring fitted:50kg;Bottled:250kg

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